When we look to mindfulness to block out unwanted emotions or adverse life experiences, we’re bound to be thoroughly disappointed. Mindfulness can’t keep us from hard times. But choosing to live mindfully can keep us from making a rotten situation worse. Whether you experience chronic depression, perpetual ennui, or just a feeling that life is a losing battle, you can find ways to soften the situation, even as the burning bogs of despair burn even brighter. These ways are broadly available to anyone who seeks them. Be your own best friend. Be there for yourself. Treat your low mood with curiosity and gentleness. We take the mindful path when we show up for our own suffering, honor its presence, and find ways to just be there with it.

3 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself When You’re Feeling Blue


Nate Klemp, Eric Langshur, Mark Bertin, Jason Gant, Sharon Salzberg, Michelle Maldonado, and Diana Winston January 11, 2023

Caverly Morgan January 4, 2023

Shelly Tygielski January 3, 2023