I LOVE getting my husband’s help in the kitchen. There is something romantic about working side-by-side to create a delicious masterpiece. To be honest, when I cook alone, I’m doing it just to get it done. But, when my husband gets in the kitchen, he cooks to perfection (his second favorite channel after ESPN is the Food Network – in a way, cooking is a sport to him)! I love watching him cook! Whoa baby, it’s attractive!

What I really love, is menu planning WITH him. That way he has a say on what we make and he is more willing to cook with me. Unfortunately, we can only plan a week in advance (or less) because trunk space in our car is super limited! I’ve always envied those families with larger vehicles who can do their main grocery shopping a month in advance. SO, when I found out I was going to be test driving a Chrysler Town and Country for two weeks, the wheels in my brain started turning!! I was so excited about it that I actually started planning this date immediately.  I knew I wanted to take advantage of their “stow and go” seats so that we could not only menu plan for a month, but also SHOP for all of that (minus the fresh stuff, of course).  I know, I know… menu planning and shopping may not sound like a romantic date to most men, but trust me… there is nothing a woman enjoys more than shopping without kids and with help!  (I’m sure she’ll “thank you” later, men – wink-wink).

Get started on your menu planning by first making a list of your ‘must-have’ meals for the month. THEN — To make this date fun and a lil’ more interesting (…and because we totally enjoyed The Bookstore Date), go to a local library and peruse their selection of recipe books and food magazine collection (or go to a bookstore if the library doesn’t have a great selection).  I’m sure most of your favorites will fill up your menu plan, but make it a goal for each of you to find at least one new recipe to try out. Now, divvy out two recipes each. You’ll each be in charge of making two recipes for your spouse during the month. Viola! You have four romantic dinner dates planned out in advance for this month! Whoot! After you’ve collected all of your recipes, it’s time to sit down and make the menu plan.  PLUS, you’re totally in luck!! Because Leah Aldous just beautified your monthly menu planner!! She is a truly talented designer as you can clearly see {wink}.  Download your FREE Monthly Menu Planner now! While you’re planning ahead, keep in mind your regular week.  For example, on Thursdays, my daughter has a late music class, so we always have to plan something easy or a crockpot meal on that night.

Next, make two separate shopping lists. On the first, list all of your non-perishable items for the entire month and then all perishable items for the first week or two (generally, most produce will stay fresh for two weeks). On the second shopping list, add all of the perishable items (aka: produce) for the remaining two weeks of the month. Now all you have to do is download your super cute Shopping List Printable and you are ready to head to the store! Don’t forget that grocery shopping doesn’t have to be a total chore.  Take this opportunity to really connect with your spouse. Talk about some fun dates that you would like to go on this month, or start planning your next Out On The Town date night. Keep the conversation light and enjoyable. Maybe even grab a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream while you’re there so you can snuggle up together for a movie after all your groceries are unloaded and it’s time to unwind. For amazing delicious recipes to include in your menu planning that OUR husband’s love, check out our Dating Divas Recipes Revealed Cookbook!

“This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Chrysler. All opinions are 100% mine.”  

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